
I relate fully to your sharing here. Much of it reflects similar insights I had while writing my 2017 book, The Impossible Conversation. I took it one step further, that seemed to really lock in the Impossible part.

How do we get any traction toward the lovely Transformation scenario you speak of when the very essence of the corporate structure that now runs the world is doing the only thing it is incentivized and legally bound to do?

It has zero ability and zero intention of doing anything other than turning every single earthly resource (earth and human) into profit, and externalize the costs and waste along the way.

After having my series of revelations I gave over my life to being of service to life, including offering transformative support and resources to people bravely facing our human-caused predicament.

I will happily include your writing in the coursework I curate.

I’m curious, would you consider talking with me on my YouTube channel podcast, The Poetry of Predicament?

Thank you for your clear and courageous truth telling.

Dean Walker / Living Resilience

Safecircle at gmail



Dean Spillane Walker / The Inner Work of Collapse

Offering transformative support for people bravely facing human-caused collapse of Earth and Human Systems / www.LivingResilience.net/DeepAcademy